Yoast es una compañía de desarrollo especializada en crear herramientas para WordPress como su famoso Yoast SEO. Colabora como patrocinador para que esta WordCamp sea realidad, y estamos encantados con contar con una presencia tan destacada en este evento.
Yoast helps you to get the most out of your website! You might know our Yoast SEO plugin; with over 6 million active installs, Yoast SEO is one of the most popular WordPress plugins worldwide.
At Yoast, we believe in holistic SEO: not just one aspect of a website, but all aspects are important and should, therefore, be as good as possible. All awesome websites have three things in common: they’re easy to use, contain the right information, and they’re fast and reliable. The bonus is, that if you do all that right, a website becomes easier to find as well!
¡Muchas gracias Yoast por vuestro apoyo!